Novel biorefinery supply chains for wastewater valorization and production of high market value bio products using microalgae

BlueBioChain presentation in the 12th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food

On 13-16th June 2023 the 12th International conference on Predictive Modelling in Foods took place in Sapporo, Japan. BlueBioChain was represented by Prof. Vasilis Valdramidis and Dr. Haileeyesus Gebrehiwot from the University of Malta.

The first phase involved participation in conference, where Dr. Gebrehiwot presented his work titled ”Descriptive statistics and meta-analysis
approaches to assess the effect of microbial contamination on the cultivation of microalgal biomass and its derivatives” regarding his performed  meta-analysis of microbial contaminants that are encountered during cultivation of microalgae. This resulted in sharing experience from and to other researchers, widening research networks. 

The next phase involved participation in workshops. The workshop attended were:

Workshop 1: Exploiting the power of the harmonized knowledge exchange format FSKX

Workshop 2: Introduction to Predictive Microbiology

The participants were able to sharpen their skills on how to do predictive modeling and to monitor the growth and death rate of microorganisms involved in different food processing practices. A lot of information was also exchanged on data bases for model-sharing and data repositories

A link to the workshops can be seen below:

From left to right, A) Logo of the conference, B) Dr. Gebrehiwot presenting his work, C) workshop training 

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