Novel biorefinery supply chains for wastewater valorization and production of high market value bio products using microalgae

BlueBioChain kick-off meeting

The new “Novel biorefinery supply chains for wastewater valorization and production of high market value bio products using microalgae – BlueBioChain” project has finally taken off!  The 8-partner BlueBioChain consortium met up virtually on the 25th of October 2021 to share their expectations of this new 24-month project, funded by the BlueBio ERA-NET Cofund.

Running since 1st of September 2021, the BlueBioChain project will focus on developing novel integrated approaches, methodologies, and process technologies for more efficient and sustainable water management with cross- fertilisation possibilities to multiple industrial sectors (cosmeceuticals, food, and feed production and wastewater). The proposed biorefinery concept will be holistically addressed including all steps of the supply system from biomass production, conversion, process optimisation, marketable products sustained by safety and security assessments, and traceability tools, which offer multifaceted social, environmental, economic, and policy impacts.

During the virtual kick off meeting, all partners had the opportunity to discuss their contribution to project’s goals and present their respective tasks, together with the challenges related to their implementation. The steps for the following months have also been presented and the action plan for the first semester has been agreed upon. 

In the following months, many BlueBioChain activities will start. This meeting was only a promising start to this exciting project!

Stay tuned for the upcoming news and events, and keep safe!

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